Tuesday 3 December 2013
Nothing Exahollically Awesome!

Just opened my old PC to write a new post at Tech-a-Brel, but the mind wasn't set you know. So jumping to and fro over the cloud. The exam's here. Tomorrow is Humanities. Feeling a little sick for the fever and a little pain in the throat. However just downloaded a new theme, lets apply it on this blog. And did I mention that, 18 MB of data usage is left (omg!!!!)? And the exam's here, so I won't be writting a lot these 15 days, but I've a plan to get all other sites out of my way after the exam. According to the pre-calculations I shall be writting 39-50 more posts on Tech-a-Brel. I am not looking forward to get approved in the adsense yet. Hope no one's reading this :-3 
Sunday 24 November 2013
no image

Excited. Just posting for the first time at Sevenn. Its a different feeling you can say. Lets see which template suites it the best. May the god of goats bless me!

Nothing Exahollically Awesome!

Just opened my old PC to write a new post at Tech-a-Brel, but the mind wasn't set you know. So jumping to and fro over the cloud. The exam's here. Tomorrow is Humanities. Feeling a little sick for the fever and a little pain in the throat. However just downloaded a new theme, lets apply it on this blog. And did I mention that, 18 MB of data usage is left (omg!!!!)? And the exam's here, so I won't be writting a lot these 15 days, but I've a plan to get all other sites out of my way after the exam. According to the pre-calculations I shall be writting 39-50 more posts on Tech-a-Brel. I am not looking forward to get approved in the adsense yet. Hope no one's reading this :-3 

The First Post!

Excited. Just posting for the first time at Sevenn. Its a different feeling you can say. Lets see which template suites it the best. May the god of goats bless me!